

big fat dvd giveaway winner

Thank you to everyone who entered last week's Big Fat DVD Giveaway contest. The response was really positive and overwhelming. A lot of you out there apparently like free stuff. To enter, you were asked to do a little research on The Director's Chair website and answer the following questions:

1. In addition to numerous independent Asian American films, veteran filmmaker Wayne Wang has directed several big-budget Hollywood movies. Name the one starring Jennifer Lopez. ANSWER: Maid in Manhattan.

2. In what city did director Ron Morales shoot his debut feature Santa Mesa? ANSWER: Manila.

3. In addition to directing the indie drama Never Forever, Gina Kim has taught as a visiting lecturer at what ivy-league university. Name the school. ANSWER: Harvard University.

We have a winner! Drawn at random from the correct entries. And the lucky name is... Daniel C. of San Jose, California. He wins DVD copies of Finishing the Game, Journey From the Fall, American Pastime, Colma: The Musical and Undoing, as well as a whole bunch of other DVDs I have laying around. Congratulations, Daniel. Enjoy. Everyone else, better luck next time.