

imprint culture lab 2008

The Imprint Culture Lab conference returns to Los Angeles next week for its third year. The event was founded "to investigate and curate global creative culture, and foster cross-pollination between business and creative entities." Basically, they discuss cool trends in Asian pop culture. Wednesday, October 1 at the Japanese American National Museum.

This year's keynote speaker is Kenya Hara, art-director of Japan's only high design/discount prices (non-)brand MUJI. The conference will also feature one of the world's most renowned consumer curators, Hiroshi Fujiwara, known as the godfather of street wear and Harajuku fashion, making his first conference appearance in the United States.

Other speakers will include Mark Arcenal (Founder/Creative Director for Fatlace), Jill Bliss (Crafty Entrepreneur, blissen.com), Jamie Chan (Founder, Bazaar Bizarre), jeffstaple (Founder/Designer, Staple Design), Jenova Chen (Creative Director & Co-Founder, thatgamecompany), and Eric Nakamura (Publisher and Editor, Giant Robot), among many others.

Yeah. Lots of people doing way cooler stuff than you. For more information, and to register for the Imprint Culture Lab (the fee is a bit steep), go to the website here.