

mobilization at mcgill university: how did 'too asian' affect you?

Asian students at McGill University are not quite done talking about that lame "Too Asian?" article that ran in Maclean's back in November. They're starting up a mobilization campaign to keep the dialogue going about the article and other racialized representations of Asians in the media: How did 'Too Asian' affect you?
It is important for students at McGill to discuss racialised representations of Asians in the media, especially after being described as a school where ‘all the white kids’ go.

Part of this is asking you: how did the article make you feel?

Please feel free to answer as honestly as you feel and to identity in anyway you would like (racialised, Asian, Chinese, Canadian, student, etc.) Also, if you are more comfortable, email us at asiansnotstudying@gmail.com and we will make sure your response is kept anonymous.

The responses will be gathered and used throughout our mobilization during the next few months.

PLEASE LET YOUR FRIENDS KNOW. This is not limited to McGill Students!
They will be holding a mobilization meeting and discussion group in response to this whole thing, and to talk about next steps. It's happening on February 7 (location to be announced). For more information, go to the Asians Not Studying tumblr here.