

fund this: phở life

Sabzi, one half of Blue Scholars, recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for Pho Life, an art/design/music project dedicated to the awesomeness of pho. Because, really, why not? It is indeed awesome and delicious. First, watch this photastic music video of Sabzi rapping:

And here's an explanation of how this all came together:
During a conversation over lunch at the Phở Bắc one day, an idea came up for an iconic poster displaying the ingredients of this soup. One thing led to another and eventually this conversation evolved into a complete project involving some rapping, a music video, and a mini line of goods all revolving around contemporary phở culture.

This Kickstarter was created to raise the funds required to manufacture some of the design work from this project in order to make it available so that you too can rep phở life.
You can get some fresh posters, buttons, stickers and custom chopsticks. And he's already surpassed the $5,000 goal so all you have to do is make your pledge to get the gear. For further information about Pho Life, check out the Kickstarter campaign here.