

Pop Danthology mashes up 68 songs in one convenient jam

For anyone lacking the attention span for a single song

So we've turned the last pages on 2013, but how about one last look back at the year in pop music, courtesy of Vancouver DJ/composer Daniel Kim. Pop Danthology is an annual music/video mashup that shreds, slices and dices 68 of the year's biggest singles and crams them all back together in an all-new five-and-a-half minute jam. Great for anyone who doesn't have the attention span for a single song:

Damn. I am that cranky old man who doesn't recognize half of the "hottest" songs of the year.

More here: Here Are 68 Of 2013's Biggest Songs In 5 1/2 Minutes

And while we're at it: 2013 Is Over, So Let's Never Hear These Crappy Songs Ever Again