

10th Annual Asian American Women in Leadership Conference

Presented by ASPIRE, November 1 at Simmons College

ASPIRE (Asian Sisters Participating in Reaching Excellence) is holding its 10th annual Asian American Women in Leadership Conference on November 1 in Boston. This year's theme is "Making It Count," a reflection on the ability to create change in workplace, school, and community. This year's keynote speaker will be Kelly Zen Yie-Tsai, who will be delivering her speech in spoken word form. Here's more information:

10th Annual Asian American Women in Leadership Conference

Asian Sisters Participating in Reaching Excellence

Saturday, November 1, 2014
8:00AM - 5:00PM

Simmons College
300 The Fenway
Main College Building
Boston, MA 02115

The 2014 AAWIL Conference commemorates 10 years of empowering Asian American girls and women as leaders in our community. Making It Count! is about leveraging the failures and successes, great or small, along your leadership journey. As we mark AAWIL’s decade milestone, join us for the 2014 conference as we reflect upon our personal and collective experiences and continue paving our futures as Asian American women. Through cross generational dialogue and networking, it is up to us to celebrate and ignite each leader in ourselves and our community, and acquire the tools to thoughtfully map out the next 10 years. How will you make your leadership count?

The AAWIL Conference is an interactive, one-day event aimed at growing and developing leadership skills. The program includes a keynote address, shared discussions, small group activities, networking opportunities, workshops, and training sessions. Conference participants include high school, college, and graduate school students and young, mid-career, and seasoned professionals from the Greater Boston area and around the country. Topics to be covered in this year’s workshops will be as varied as rising above the bamboo ceiling, creating safe spaces, leveraging college leadership experiences, developing self expression, networking for success, and taking back the "f" word.

For more information about the conference, click here. You can register here.