

Anti-Islam bus ads are being awesomely defaced by Ms. Marvel

Marvel Comics' Kamala Khan battles bad guys and bus banner bigotry in San Francisco

Oh hell yes. This is awesome. In San Francisco, someone has been defacing a series of Islamophobic bus banner ads with images of Marvel Comics' teenage Muslim superhero Ms. Marvel.

Racist, Anti-Islamic San Francisco Bus Ads Have Been Awesomely Defaced With Kamala Khan

The "advertisements," paid for by an organization called the American Freedom Defense Initiative, have been plastered on the sides of several Muni buses with slogans likening Muslims to the Nazis.

Enter some badass, artistically-inclined citizens who took it upon themselves to modify these ridiculous ads with a call to stop the hate, starring superpowered Pakistani American comic book hero Kamala Khan, who battles bad guys (and now, bus banner bigotry) as Ms. Marvel.

Never mind what the original ads looked like. These are waaaay better. BADASS.

Ms. Marvel writer G. Willow Wilson approves:

More here: Islamophobic Bus Ads In San Francisco Are Being Defaced With Kamala Khan