

Iris Chang Park to open in San Jose next month

Site named in honor of late 'Rape of Nanking' author/activist.

After years of delays, a public park named in honor of Iris Chang is set to open next month in San Jose.

San Jose: Iris Chang Park finally set to open next month

The late writer and activist, who died by suicide in 2004, is best known for The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II. The best-selling 1997 book is widely considered the definitive account of the Nanking massacre, documenting atrocities committed against Chinese by forces of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. Her other books include Thread of the Silkworm and The Chinese in America.

The 3-acre park, designed by sculptor Richard Deutsch and set to open on November 9 in North San Jose, will include a history sculpture, theater area, 100-foot diameter earthwork and children's maze. The monuments will feature some of Chang's most well-known quotes scattered throughout the walking area.

More here: Iris Chang Park