

register for the inspire '07 leadership conference

Just wanted to remind everyone about the APA Five's upcoming INSPIRE '07 Asian American leadership conference, happening Labor Day weekend, August 31 through September 3 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco.

The goal is to provide young potential leaders from the APA community with workshops, panels and real opportunities to build leadership skills, such as public speaking, networking and fundraising. It's a packed schedule of some great speakers and participants from the community, including Congressman Mike Honda, California State Controller John Chiang, Yul Kwon, Norm Mineta, Judy Chu, Elaine Kim, Justin Lin, Michael Kang, and a whole bunch of other noteworthy names who are making an impact. Get connected with the best and brightest form all industry fields. Early bird registration just passed, but you still have the chance to participate and get involved. For more information, go here