

possible string of hate crimes in chicago

In Chicago, police are investigating a series of incidents which could be a possible string of hate crimes... The drowning of a Vietnamese man who was shoved into the water at Montrose Harbor on Saturday morning was the third incident since late July in which fisherman who appeared to be Asian were targeted in the area: Hate-crime angle considered.

62-year-old Du Doan was finishing alone when five individuals dressed in "black gothic clothing" walked passed him, and one of them shoved him into the water.

Shortly before this incident, another fisherman of Asian descent was confronted by the same group, but he stood his ground, and the group left him alone after spitting at his feet. And about a month before, another man who had what police described as "Asian features" was thrown into the water by a group matching the description. Note, you can get assaulted now for just looking Asian.

The suspects are described as a white male, about 5-foot-6, brown hair in a "buzz cut," wearing a dark jacket; a white male, about 6-foot-1, slim, large ears, wearing a white T-shirt and a jacket; white male, 18 to 19 years old; black male, bald, wearing a red shirt; white female, 18 to 19 years old.

What the hell is going on here? Are Asians (and "Asian-looking" people) being targeted? Hell, sure sounds like it. I guess we're not allowed to just stand there, fishing like normal people, without fear of getting harassed by racist punks. That's racist! And now one guy is dead. Somebody, please catch these assholes and make them pay.