

caam presents the "free your story" contest

Our friends at the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) inform me about a cool contest they're presenting with Toyota: Free Your Story.

CAAM recently launched the CAAM Channel, "your online source for the latest trends in AA media arts and a digital outlet for sharing stories of your own." Beyond event coverage and filmmaker interviews, the CAAM Channel provides a platform for emerging artists everywhere to connect with a worldwide audience interested in works by or about Asian Americans. So, they're issuing a challenge:
"CAAM and Toyota Matrix are looking for 6 emerging storytellers to explore ideas of activity and movement in this exciting digital age. In a 5-7 minute piece in any film/video genre, allow your vision to take flight across time and space, from real to virtual, from intertia to motion. To drive your story, imagine you have a powerful Toyota Matrix device that moves your narrative forward - and keeping with the theme, this object is as open to interpretation as your story. Whether you use the actual vehicle or a Matrix-shaped portal, free yourself to delve into any subject matter - from immigration stories to voter voices to global issues. We challenge you to make the most interesting and insightful works and prove that creativity knows no boundaries."
Ten applicants will be chosen, six will compete, and one finalist will win a brand new HD camera and one year Supporter level membership to CAAM. The deadline to enter is Monday, June 23, 2008 at 8PM PST. For more information about the contest and CAAM, go here.