

racially motivated attack in montana

This week in Kalispell, Montana, two men were charged with felony malicious intimidation after a racially motivated confrontation targeting Asian workers: Race conflict an isolated incident, says sheriff.

Edward Lee Hubbs and Daniel James Devine, both white, are accused of assaulting a group of Asian mushroom pickers who have been camped west of Kalispell near the community of Marion.

The incident started at a convenience store parking lot, where the two men began threatening the mushroom pickers and shouting racial slurs. The mushroomers, "in defense and in fear," tried to leave, and one finally fired a couple rounds from a gun into the air to drive Hubbs away.

The situation escalated when Hubbs grabbed his gun, got some friends, and went to the campground where the Asian pickers are based. Some of the people he attacked weren't even any of the guys at the convenience store. I don't know what happened to spark all of this, but by the end of the night, this guy Hubbs was out to hurt some Asians. That's racist!