

kqed's forum on the model minority myth

Last week, KQED's call-in talk radio program Forum in San Francisco did an interesting show on Asian Americans students, the model minority stereotype, and whether the societal assumption of academic success is a burden or an advantage: Model Minority Myths.

Speaking as guests on the show were Doua Thor, executive director of the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center; Elaine Kim, professor of Asian-American studies at UC Berkeley; and Robert Teranishi, professor of higher education at NYU and co-director for The National Commission on Asian-American and Pacific Islander Research in Education.

It's a topic we've seen in the news frequently lately. With just an hour dedicated to the issue, I feel like the Forum show really only scratched the surface of the discussion. But it's an interesting, relevant topic that deserves attention, and the guests offer up some important points. It's worth a listen.