

new asian americans for obama site/nevada roap trip

Well, there's just about two months left before the big election. The final stretch. It's time for the APA community to step up and make our voices heard in electing Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. That means putting up numbers that will make people take notice, and spreading the word.

Asian Americans for Obama is kicking off a major grassroots campaign to get the word out, with a newly re-designed website launch, including new social networking tools, a page of featured endorsements from prominent AAPI political and community leaders, RSS feed to alert users of new content, and a blogroll of Democratic and AAPI-related blogs, among other things. View it all here.

Also be sure to joing Asian Americans for Obama group on Facebook and the My.BarackObama.com network. And of course, you can make a donation here.

Meanwhile, my pal Oiyan is helping to organize a road trip from California to help swing Nevada for Obama-Biden. They need volunteers. Here's some info:

Are you fired up and ready to swing Nevada for Obama-Biden!?

Asian Pacific Americans for Progress, Chinese Americans for Obama, South Asians for Obama, Filipinos for Obama, and Asian Americans for Obama are teaming up to organize a road trip to Nevada on the weekend of Sept. 12-14th. Volunteers in Northern California will be heading to Reno, while volunteers in Southern California will be targeting Las Vegas. Please let us know if you'd like to join us.

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - please contact Anhoni Patel at anhoni@yahoo.com or Diana Olin at garnetorchid@gmail.com
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - please contact Oiyan Poon at oiyan.poon@gmail.com

To RSVP to the Vegas Roadtrip, please go to our Evite.

A limited number of free housing will be available in Las Vegas. Please rsvp about Vegas by Monday, 9/8.
Nevada is a critical swing state, and AAPI's are actually a critical swing vote. AAPI's make up a significant population in Nevada. But many still aren't registered to vote, and are still somewhat unfamiliar with the Obama-Biden ticket. That's why they need willing souls and able bodies to help get the word out. For more information, and to get involved, go to the Evite here.