

"single aggressor" blamed for ucsb hate crime attack

An update on the hate crime assault that occurred in from of a frat house last month at UCSB... According to a police report released this week, the attack appears to have been perpetrated by "a single aggressor": PIKE Frat Faces Assault Penalties.

Let me get this straight. Thanh Hong and Paul Elekes were walking by the PIKE house, when somebody from a group out front started hollering and yelling racial slurs at them. When the two tried to walk away, they were attacked from behind, both punched in the face, and called more racial slurs... for no reason at all.

All this happens -- and only one guy is responsible? You mean to tell me nobody else participated in this, and nobody else is at fault? Even if this group of five or six dudes did not actively participate in the beating, as they claim, they still just stood by and didn't do a damn thing while these guys were being assaulted.

As a result of the incident, PIKE's campus charter has been placed on interim suspension and the fraternity is no longer allowed to host its annual Fight Night or recruit new members this quarter. Well, what a relief. That'll show 'em.

Here's a local news report on the assault: Investigation Continues Into Alleged Racial Attack. And here's an opinion piece from UCSB's newspaper, calling out the fraternity for basically being a bunch of punks: PIKE Leadership Misses the Point in Crime Case.

Seriously, PIKE. You get your Fight Night taken away and you're the victim? You're worried about your negative reputation? Two guys walked by your house and got their ass kicked for no reason, except for the fact that Thanh Hong is Asian. That's racist!.