This is for all you Secret Asian Man fans out there. Just in time for the holidays, Secret Asian Man: The Daily Days by Tak Toyoshima is now available. Ths 232-page book collects every Secret Asian Man strip syndicated through United Media. Just $20.00.
The book is conveniently available through Amazon
Starting right now, the first 25 orders from you, the good readers of this blog, will receive a free piece of original daily comic strip art signed by Tak Toyoshima. He'll even tuck it into the page where it appears in the book. Here's what you have to do:
1. Make your payment via PayPal (credit cards accepted too) to Books are $20 each (+$4.95 priority shipping).
2. In the shipping comments field please write "SECRET ANGRY ASIAN MAN SENT ME!"
3. Enjoy.
It's important to note that this is a self-published book, which mean that Tak is paying for the whole print run out of pocket. Support the strip and get your copy today! To order, and for more information about the Secret Angry Asian Man Special, head over to the SAM website here.