

kim jong il & peggy for cpaf

Another video video on behalf of the Center for the Pacific Asian Family. This one's a little more irreverent, with our friends, comedian Danny Cho and Grace Su reprising their roles from that infamous eHarmony parody, in an effort to get your votes for CPAF.

If you haven't heard, there's campaign going on -- a campaign to Silence the Violence. Please vote for CPAF in Chase Community Giving on Facebook. You could help the organization win a million dollars. (Yes, I am posting one of these every day this week... until you all vote.)

The community response as been awesome, but as it stands, the Center for the Pacific Asian Family is currently hovering at number 16 in the rankings with 7736 votes. It needs a lot of help to win. Let me be clear: you don't have to give any money. You just have to click a button on Facebook -- think about all the buttons you clicked today. It literally takes seconds.

Also, if you're in Southern California, join AA EOW and Kollaboration this Wednesday, January 20 at Wokcano in Santa Monica to celebrate CPAF being selected as a finalist in the Chase Community Giving program. It's a chill get-together for folks to celebrate and raise awareness about the voting. For more information, go to the Facebook event page here.

CPAF provides a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, transitional shelter and counseling services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. If a woman has the courage to call, let's make sure someone is there to listen. Vote.