

mapid now accepting group submissions for osoji

Ken Choy and Mavericks of Asian Pacific Islander Descent (MAPID) announce an open call for submissions for OSOJI, an innovative theater experience which will premiere at Breaking the Bow 2 in October 2010.

Artistic groups will develop individual pieces which will then be weaved together to create a larger theatrical extravaganza exploring spiritual, political, cultural, and physical cleansing. Based on the Japanese ritual of housecleaning prior to the start of the new year, OSOJI will implement a multitude of artistic forms and genres.

Asian Pacific Islander groups, organizations, companies, troupes, collectives, and ad hoc formations working in theater, dance, improvisation, comedy, music, API cultural expressions, and performance are encouraged to submit general proposals. Large and small; established and new are desired to collaborate on the work.

Groups should be able to create short pieces that can be performed by 3-4 representatives of the group; representatives must be able to attend full rehearsals with the larger collective in order to blend the pieces together. Representatives also must be willing to share and teach artistic form to the larger collective, if applicable, as well as be open to learn other techniques and artistic expressions.

Due to venue size, a maximum of 25 individuals will participate in this endeavor.

Full details on focus of individual pieces will be released once participating companies are chosen, but a general idea surrounds the 108 sins. Artistic tone is both highly comedic, dramatic, and theatrical; more relatable than esoteric; socially significant. There will be pay.

Deadline for proposals is January 31 but earlier submissions are encouraged. Proposals should include biographical, artistic focus, and previous work information and ideas on how the project will benefit from the submitting organization. High consideration will also be given to those who demonstrate the ability and willingness for the business side of the project such as advertising, promotion, and audience attainment. If sending work samples, please send either link or attachments in a separate email. Only general concepts of pieces are asked for at this time.

For more information, please contact Ken Choy at ken@mapid.us.