

ramey ko is austin's first asian american judge

Some cool news... Last week, the Austin City Council appointed our friend Ramey Ko (named one of the 30 Most Influential Asian Americans Under 30) to a Substitute Judge position in the Austin Municipal Court.

He'll be serving part-time as a judge in Class C misdemeanor cases (e.g., traffic offenses, minor assault, public intoxication, etc.), certain juvenile cases, and environmental violations. Municipal judges also approve search or arrest warrants and act as magistrates for anyone arrested for a crime in Travis County, setting the amounts of bonds and any conditions of release.

Good news, but it gets better. According to the city, there is no record of any other Asian American serving as judge in Austin or Travis County, which makes Ramey the first Asian American judge in Austin.

Ramey's judicial investiture ceremony will take place on Friday, February 5, at noon at Austin City Hall. The ceremony is open to the public. Congratulations, Ramey!