

stanford student activist's email attacked from china

By now, you might have heard that Google was hit by a "sophisticated" cyber-attack on its network last month, resulting in theft of its intellectual property. Yes, that Google. Google, as in the world's most popular search engine.

The attack's origins? China, of course. In fact, the company is apparently now investigating if the attack may have been facilitated by people working Google China's office: Google probing possible inside help on attack.

Google, which is just one of 20 large companies that were targeted, said it will stop censoring search results in the nation over the next few weeks, even if the decision means the company is forced to shutter its Chinese operations.

Also among the victims of the attack: Tenzin Seldon, a 20-year-old Stanford University student activist who just happens to be a coordinator for the group Students for a Free Tibet: Stanford student was targeted in Google cyberattack.

Seldon is one of the dozens of human rights advocates whose e-mail accounts were accessed in these cyber-attacks. She was informed by Google that someone from China was logged onto her e-mail account at the same time she was.

While Google has threatened to pull out of China, it has stopped short of directly accusing the Chinese government of involvement in the digital spying... but I think that's fairly obvious. More here: Tibet activist's e-mail attacked from China.