

submit an idea to jerry ma for the sketchbook project

Our buddy Jerry Ma, the guy behind Epic Proportions and art director of Secret Identities is taking part in The Sketchbook Project ("It's like a concert tour but with sketchbooks.") and is seeking help from you with submissions. Basically, he wants ideas for original Asian American superheroes. Here's Jerry's message to you:
Hi everyone. This is Jerry Ma of epicprops.com and the art director of Secret Identities. I was hoping to talk to you guys about The Sketchbook Project. Basically it's a art tour of multiple sketchbooks. Each one with its own category and theme. The tour starts and ends at The Brooklyn Art Library.

As some of you may or may not know, I get the chance to go around to
different schools with my partners Jeff Yang, Parry Shen and Keith Chow
and do what we call the "Build a Hero" workshop. Where with your help, we
create original Asian American Super Heroes.

This is where YOU come in. I'd like to partner up with YOU the reader,
and create original Asian American Heroes that matter. Not characters
that just happen to be Asian American. But characters where they're
backgrounds truly reflect in the type of hero...or villain they are.
Being Asian American is a unique experience. And with your help, I'd
like to share this experience with others to help educate them on who
and what we are and represent.

For more on the project, please check out their site at: www.thesketchbookproject.com.

For more on what I'm looking to do with my particular book, you can
visit my blog for updates on all the drawings I'll be doing here: www.epicprops.com/blog

And then finally, if you have an idea of a character you'd like to see
me draw, please email all ideas to me at: info@epicprops.com

All characters chosen will be credited within the book. And your
descriptions of the character will be inside the book alongside my
illustration of him/her. Unfortunately I can't give you the original
drawing as the book will be a permanent part of the exhibition. But I
will send you a print out of it via snail mail as well as a hi res img
of the drawing via email.

When I am finished with all the drawings, I will be reprinting the
sketchbook on my own and selling copies of it where the proceeds will
go to a charity that I will hopefully figure out soon.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
Got an idea for a cool Asian American superhero? Submit it to Jerry! He needs your help. At the very least, this will be a cool creative exercise, and a chance to see a cool idea come to life through the sketch stylings of Jerry Ma.

For more information on The Sketchbook Project, go here, and to follow along with Jerry's sketch efforts, check the updates on his blog here.