

ubc forum discussion on idiotic maclean's too asian article

News from the north... This is short notice, but if you're at or around the University of British Columbia tomorrow (those Canadians don't observe our Thanksgiving), they've organized a forum to provide a space for dialogue about that ridiculous "Too Asian?" article in Maclean's. It's happening Thursday, November 25 at Buchanan A201. Here are some more details:
"Too Asian" Article Discussion

The forum will be held on Thursday, November 25, 2010 from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. in Buchanan A201.

Panelists include:

   * Dr. Kerry Jang, Professor, UBC Psychiatry and Vancouver City Councillor
   * Dr. Henry Yu, Associate Professor, Dept. of History, UBC and Principal pro tem, St. John’s College, UBC)
   * Dr. Candis Callison, Assistant Professor, UBC School of Journalism
   * Elysa Hogg, Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Arts
   * William Tao, Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Arts

The forum will open with comments from Brian Sullivan, UBC Vice-President Students, and Ekaterina Dovjenko, Vice-President Administration, AMS Student Society of UBC Vancouver.

The panelists will be asked to consider:

   * The impact of stereotyping and profiling in society and in the post-secondary setting in Canada.
   * Why certain groups are too often targeted by the media and portrayed through stereotypes.
   * Journalistic integrity and issues of media ethics and responsibility in depicting diversity issues.
   * Should we continue to generate an open dialogue about race? And how can we do so respectfully and responsibly?
Should be a pretty interesting discussion. Wish I could sit in on the forum to hear from actual Asian Canadian students and hear their take on that damn article. The comments in this announcement indicate that they're working on getting the discussion recorded, so hopefully the rest of us will eventually get a chance to see it.