

apalc launches asian american & pacific islander naturalization network

Last week, the Asian Pacific American Legal Center announced the launch of the Asian American & Pacific Islander Naturalization Network, a statewide campaign to encourage Asian American and Pacific Islander immigrants in California to become U.S. citizens.

The Asian American & Pacific Islander Naturalization Network will directly assist hundreds of AAPI green-card holders throughout California, providing assistance in determining eligibility for citizenship and helping those that are eligible complete their application forms and apply for fee waivers.

Here's an excerpt from APALC's press release:
Throughout this year, APALC and partner agencies will co-host the free naturalization workshops in six areas: Los Angeles, Fresno, Orange County, Sacramento, San Francisco Bay Area and San Jose. The areas were selected based on the high number of AAPI area residents who are eligible to become citizens. The second workshop will be held April 30 at George Sims Community Center in Sacramento, followed by a workshop in three venues in Orange County on June 11. Asian language assistance will be provided at each session.

"Throughout California, more than 800,000 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are eligible or soon to be eligible to naturalize. In Los Angeles County alone, 254,000 AAPIs are eligible and many of them are right here in the San Gabriel Valley," Eng said. "We want them to help answer their questions and help them to become new U.S. citizens."

The AAPI Naturalization Network is the first step in APALC’s multi-stage civic engagement effort to encourage new Americans to participate civically in their communities, including voting and speaking out on important issues. Following their naturalization, new AAPI citizens will be encouraged to register to vote, as well as receive information of how the U.S. government and elections process generally works. APALC also plans to expand its “Get Out the Vote" efforts to ensure AAPIs across California understand the value of their voice and have the information and encouragement they need to exercise their right to vote.
The campaign's first workshop will be held this Saturday, March 26 in the San Gabriel Valley, at the Rosemead Community Center. Appointments are suggested, and can be made by calling APALC at (213) 977-7500. For more information, including a handy "Citizenship 101" video, go to the APALC website here.