

"asians in the library of the world: a persona poem in the voice of alexandra wallace" by beau sia

Spoken word artist Beau Sia chimes in with his take on the "Asians in the Library" video fiasco, bringing his unique brand of Beau Sia flava. Ever the wordsmith, he tries to get a little deeper into the matter with a persona poem in the voice of Alexandra Wallace. It's his response to Alexandra... as Alexandra. Take a look:

It's his attempt to cut through the bullshit and the attacks on Alexandra, and get to the heart of what her rant really reveals. Here's Beau's explanation:
after watching "asians in the library," and many subsequent postings in response, i wrote this. rather than attack alexandra wallace for her thoughts, i decided to write a persona piece in her voice, as a means to address some of the greater issues revealed in her rant. in the end, this poem isn't really about her and what she said, but more the thoughts and beliefs people hold, without considering the entire history that may have led them to think and believe in the manner that they do. my hope is that we can all use this moment to recognize that we all need to improve our ability to understand and share this world with each other. this is just a small contribution to furthering that conversation. thank you for listening.
Amidst all the shouting and name-calling -- and yes, the anger is certainly justified -- I have the utmost respect for a response that turns Alexandra's ignoranc into a teaching moment. Beau Sia dropping some knowledge on your head. Again.