

bbc tv show looking for inspirational asian american family

I recently heard from Rebecca Symons, a London-based producer who is looking an Asian American family to possibly feature on an upcoming episode of her BBC television series, which looks at different styles of parenting and family values in different communities and cultures all over the world.

They're currently producing their fourth season, and have been all over the world, but they have yet to feature "a family of Asian origin living in the US." So they're reaching out and looking for an inspirational family. That's where maybe you come in. Does your family have thing or two teach two unruly British teenagers? Read on:

Do you believe in instilling good old-fashioned values, discipline and boundaries in your children? Can you give two British teenagers the chance to have some much-needed structure in their lives?

The British Broadcasting Corporation are looking for inspirational families to take part in our long running series on parenting.
In each one-hour programme, two British teenagers will be sent to live with a family abroad, to experience life in their country under their rules.

In the last series, the BBC sent mismanaged teenagers from the UK to live with families all over the world, from Jamaica to India, Alabama to South Africa. In this series we want to send two British teenagers to the States to sample a disciplined, yet loving upbringing.

We are looking to represent an inspirational family of Asian origin (with their own teenagers) who are proud of their strong parenting and family values and who would be willing to accommodate two British teenagers for one week and instil in them the values and morality they demand of their own children.

The British teens will be expected to attend school (where possible) help with household chores, activities in the community - whatever is normal for the host family; they will not be guests in the house but new members of the family.

If you are proud of your strong parenting and values and interested in this project, please get in touch with us for more information about it.
Email a brief description of your family and your contact information to Rebeccasymons@twentytwenty.tv or call Rebecca on 0 11 44 207 2842020 and I will call back at your convenience.
True, you will have to open your home to these guys and a camera crew, and who knows what that'l be like. But this is perhaps an opportunity to show a normal Asian American family -- and maybe you've got the potential to be "inspirational." Tiger Mothers need not apply. Please.