Romance of the Three Kitchens is a cooking show web series... but not really. It's described as sort of "a mash-up between a radio program, a vlog and a cooking show." After watching a couple of episodes, I'm still not actually sure how to describe it, only that it's pretty cool, and they're definitely doing something different. Here are first couple of episodes to get you started (they're short):
Episode 1: Wong Faye
Episode 2: Superhero
Episode 3: Office Life
Like I said, I don't know really how to describe it. Cooking confessionals? All I know it, they're kind of poetic, and I couldn't stop watching. And yes, they made me pretty hungry. Good stuff. They're currently up to Episode 9.
For further information, and to follow the series blog, which features recipes, foodie adventures and more, go to the Romance of the Three Kitchens website here. And to catch future episodes, subscribe to the YouTube channel here.