

music video: "happy song" by emi meyer

Heavy times and all, here's some positive energy for you... Check out the new music video for "Happy Song," a great little ditty by the incredibly awesome Emi Meyer, off of her latest album Suitcase of Stones. The video features Louis Ozawa Changchien and is directed by our good friend Michael Kang. I love it. Take a look:

Great tune, cute video. Mike tells me the video was shot on a budget of "sheer will and $2." It appears that sheer will and two bucks goes a long way these days, with the right combination of people, classic New York indie filmmaker style. Nice work.

Man, I wish Emi Meyer would be my muse and sing happy songs to me on the subway train. For more information about Emi Meyer and her music, check out her official website here. And pick up Suitcase of Stones from CD Baby here.