

read these blogs

"Fukushima" Music Video [Magnetic North & Taiyo Na]: "Dedicated to the victims and families of 9/11 and the Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis of 2011. Dedicated to the victims of any tragedy compounded by not just natural forces but human error and deceit. Dedicated to those who in the midst of this, find the love and courage necessary to get back up on their feet and rebuild. Dedicated to love over evil."

Dear Andy: Every year, I make it a point to read MetroDad's annutal letter to his good friend Andy, who died in the World Trade Center on September 11, and it moves me to tears.

For U.S. Muslims, 9/11 Began a Whole New Ballgame: Aasif Mandvi: Says The Daily Show's Aasif Mandvi, "After Sept. 11, as misinformation and Islamophobia spread across the American news media and into American communities, I suddenly began defending an identity to which I had a tenuous relationship at best."

Grieving 9/11 victim Christina Sunga Ryook on the 10th anniversary: This is an incredibly sad story about Dae Jin and Kyung Woo Ryook, who lost their only child Christina Sunga Ryook and still live with the tragedy every day.

The Soldier and the Rap Star: A Tale of Two Post-9/11 Students: At a high school near Ground Zero, the September 11 attacks sent the student body president and vice-president on very different life paths.

Post 9/11, Is Coming to America Still Worth the Journey?: Shortly after September 11, 2011, author Andrew Lam received a letter from his cousin in Vietnam, posing a simple question: Is coming to America still worth the journey?

Racial healing needed on 10th anniversary of 9/11: "Americans have much to remember and reflect upon as we mark the 10- year anniversary of 9/11, but we also have an opportunity to forge a more inclusive and democratic future for our country."

On 10th Anniversary of Sept. 11 JA, Muslim American Friendship Grows: Immediately following the September 11 attacks, JACL was the first national Asian American organization to publicly support Arab and Muslim Americans.

An Identity Under Wraps: Living with a Turban in a Post-9/11 World: As part of Hyphen's series of posts reflecting on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, writer and community advocate Meeta Kaur discusses her faith in a post-9/11 world.

Comedy club arose after 9/11 healing: Here's a CNN story on Jami Gong, who helped start "TakeOut Comedy" in an effort to revitalize nightlife in New York City's Chinatown in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

CAPAC Members Release Statements on Tenth Anniversary of September 11th: Statements from members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus regarding the 10-year anniversary of the September 11 tragedies.

Sikh American Statement on the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11: "The Sikh American community joins the nation in remembering all the victims of the tragic attacks on our country ten years ago on September 11, 2001, and in honoring all those first responders who risked and gave their lives to save others."