Hello!Hey, Asian American Studies professors! Somebody out there wants your input. Take a few minutes, answer a few questions, and help out somebody's research. Who knows? The information gathered for future scholarship could be helpful for everyone. You can fill out the survey online here.
Thank you for helping me out on this class project. I am gathering informal data on how Asian American studies professors and scholars use library services. As I continue in my library and information science coursework, I hope to expand this project into a more detailed analysis of existing and future library services for Asian American studies teachers and researchers.
The data collected in this survey will only be shared in aggregate form. Personal identifying information will be kept confidential.
The survey is divided into two parts. Part One focuses on your general library use. Part Two explores how you use the library as an Asian American studies teacher and scholar.
The entire survey should about 15 minutes to complete.
Please submit responses by Friday, September 16, 2011, at 11:59 pm.
I would love to hear from you if you have additional comments or questions. Please email me at pylai@stkate.edu. Thanks so much!
Paul Lai
research survey: library use of asian american studies professors
This one's rather specific, but I'm aware that there are a number of Asian American Studies teachers and scholars who regularly read this blog, so why not... Here's an online survey that was passed along to me, gathering informal data for a class project on how Asian American studies professors and scholars use library services: Library Use of Asian American Studies Professors.