

surrogate valentine los angeles premiere / goh nakamura live, september 15

If you're in Southern California, come see the Los Angeles premiere of Dave Boyle's indie comedy Surrogate Valentine, starring a few of my good friends, including musician Goh Nakamura and Lynn Chen.

The movie has played at a ton of festivals and picked up numerous awards, so now's your chance to check it out. It's screening Thursday, September 15 at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo. Here's the trailer:

And here are some more details about the screening:
Surrogate Valentine-- Los Angeles Premiere + Goh Nakamura Live!

Thursday, September 15

Japanese American National Museum
369 E. 1st St.
Los Angeles, CA

See a Los Angeles Sneak Preview of "Surrogate Valentine," with the director and cast in attendance! Show opens with live music from Goh Nakamura, and a Q and A to follow the screening.

Tickets $12 in advance, $15 at the door.

Co-presented by the Japanese American National Museum, Giant Robot and Poketo.
It's a fun little indie road movie with some great performances from folks I know and love. To purchase advance tickets, go to Ticket Derby here. And for further information about the film, head over to the Surrogate Valentine website here.