Research Study: Coping with DiscriminationIt says it takes about 15-20 minutes to complete the survey. For further information about the research, and to participate in the survey, go here.
Dear Participant,
I am conducting a study to examine the reliability and validity of a coping with discrimination scale. I need your help in the completion of this important task. It will take about 15-20 minutes to complete.
You must be an Asian American who is at least 18 years old, not a student, and fluent in English to participate in this study.
If you are interested in this research, please click the link below.
For your time and efforts, you can receive a $5 gift certificate at Time 1 data collection and a $10 gift certificate at Time 2 data collection (2 months later) for monetary compensation.
Thank you for participation in this study!
Meifen Wei, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Iowa State University
research study: coping with discrimination
Got this passed along to me the other day... Researchers at Iowa State University are looking for Asian Americans who are at least 18 year old, not a student, and fluent in English to take part in a research study on coping with discrimination. Here are some more details about the study: