

asian american film lab presents the 72 hour film shootout, june 15-18

Attention filmmakers! It's that time again. Whether you're pro, amateur, or just looking for some creative weekend fun, Asian American Film Lab invites you to take part in its annual filmmaking competition, the 72 Hour Film Shootout, happening June 15-18, 2012.

The Shootout is a worldwide competition in which filmmaking teams are given a common theme at the start and then have 72 hours to write, shoot, edit, and complete short films up to five minutes in length. Teams compete for cash, prizes and of course, eternal bragging rights.

The competition creates an opportunity for Asian American filmmakers to demonstrate their talent, gain exposure in the entertainment industry and impact the visibility of Asian American stories and characters in film. And come on, it's just fun to get your friends together and make something.

One of the Shootout requirements is that at least one key production member and a principal actor from each team must be of Asian descent.

The judges for this year's Shootout include Russell Simmons(!), producer Teddy Zee, ABC Executive Director of Casting Marci Phillips, cinematographer Eric Lin, and actors Brian Yang, Michelle Krusiek and James Kyson Lee.

To participate in the Shootout, you must register by June 12, 2012. Things kick off with a Launch Party in New York on June 15, when they'll announce the competition theme. For more information on the Shootout, including the rules, prizes, and how to register, go to the AAFilmLab website here.