

brooklyn high school teacher arrested for affair with student

School sex scandal! Another one? This week, a Brooklyn high school teacher was arrested for having a sexual affair with a teenage student: Erin Sayar, teacher at Brooklyn's infamous James Madison High School, arrested following alleged affair with 16-year-old student.

36-year-old Erin Sayar, who is married with a young child, is accused of having sex at least eight times last December with 16-year-old Kevin Eng, an eleventh grader at James Madison High School. She surrendered to police on Thursday.

The investigation began in January when Eng's girlfriend hacked into his Facebook account, saw a series of questionable conversations he had exchanged with Ms. Sayar, and alerted school officials:
The girl told investigators that she had exchanged Facebook passwords with the boy and had read a series of conversations between him and Ms. Sayar on the site.

In one message to the teacher, he wrote, “i love you so much,” according to the report. The student told investigators that he had received permission from his gym teacher to miss class and meet with Ms. Sayar for tutoring twice a week. The report indicated that Ms. Sayar was married and had a young child.

Ms. Sayar and the student made a total of 19 calls to each other and exchanged 3,856 text messages over about a month, according to the report.

One night in December, the student sent Ms. Sayar a text message asking her to come to his apartment. She arrived after midnight, the report said, and the student came down and got in her S.U.V., where they had sex.
Sayar was charged with rape, criminal sex act and sexual abuse. On top of all that, according to court filings, Kevin's parents plan to sue the city for more than $10 million. Meanwhile, Sayar's husband is reportedly shopping around for a divorce lawyer. So... was it worth it? More here: "Horndog High" Teacher Surrenders, Charged With Rape, Criminal Sex Act.