

call for entries: 2013 seattle asian american film festival

Hooray! The Northwest Asian American Film Festival, which ran from 2003-2007, is making a comeback early next year as the newly rebranded Seattle Asian American Film Festival.

They're currently seeking submission for works made by or about Asian Americans and Asians, so if you've got something you'd like to show the cinema-lovin' audience in Seattle, send it in! Here are some more details:
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: (deadline August 30, 2012)

SAAFF accepts films and videos that are made by or about Asian Americans and Asians of any nationality. All lengths and genres will be considered. There is no entry fee. Simply email us at submissions@seattleaaff.org with a link to your video hosted on YouTube/Vimeo, or elsewhere, and username/password, if necessary. There is no entry fee, and the deadline for submission and date of notification will be announced soon. In the subject line of your email, please write “SAAFF Film Submission,” and in the body of your email, you must include the following (unless noted as optional):

Director's name, email address, phone number, and film's website URL, if any
Director's ethnic/cultural identity (optional)
Film's title
Film's genre (narrative, experimental, documentary, animation, etc.)
Film's/director's ties to Seattle
Film subject's ethnic/cultural identity
Language (non-English films must have English subtitles)
Length of film
Date the film was completed
Film Synopsis
Director's biography
Director's filmography
Cast and crew listing
The submission deadline is August 30, so get to work. It doesn't look like they've nailed down firm dates for the festival yet (it just says "coming 2013"), but for further information, visit the SAAFF website here and the festival's Facebook page here.