

man faces attempted murder charges for shooting racist neighbor

Some disturbing news out of Iowa... Over the weekend in Cedar Rapids, a man was charged with attempted murder after firing multiple shots at his neighbors: Man Accused of Attempted Murder Filed Lawsuit Against Neighbors.

42-year-old Joseph Pham is charged with three counts of attempted murder and one count of intimidation with a dangerous weapon. According to police, the violence stemmed from a disagreement between Pham and his neighbor, Brian Wilson, who is in critical care after being shot three times

But family members say Pham, who is originally from Vietnam, snapped after enduring years of property damage, racial slurs and harassment. Records show that Pham previously called the police numerous times, filed a restraining order and even a lawsuit against his neighbors:
Pham filed a lawsuit in 2010 against Jamie Moses, Tracy Moses’ ex-husband. He claimed Moses had broken two windows of the Phams’ home, driven his vehicle in their yard and torn up the grass, destroyed their mail, fired a shotgun over their property, contacted DirecTV to cancel their service and thrown feces at Kathie Pham. The lawsuit seeks damages including emotional distress, pain and suffering, property damage, punitive damages and court costs.

Kathie Pham also recalls one incident during a sleepover that resulted in criminal charges.

"At about two in the morning, the window was shot out," she said. "I got cuts and stuff and (a friend) got bruises on her leg."

In October 2010, according to court records, Jamie Moses pleaded guilty to fifth-degree theft for breaking Kathie Pham’s window that night. He was ordered to pay a $100 fine for the serious misdemeanor.

The judge also field a no-contact order between Jamie Moses and the Pham family, according to court records. But when Jamie Moses moved out and Brian Wilson moved in, Springer said, the harassment continued.
Saturday's incident was apparently sparked by more racial slurs. I can't condone pulling a gun on somebody in any situation, but after years of taking this racist bullshit -- on his own property -- it's not hard to understand where Pham was coming from. This situation is seriously f$%ked up. More here: Family says attempted murder suspect is the real victim.