

store owner fights off robbers with bear spray

This story out of Canada is kind of awesome... This week in Gatineau, Quebec, a convenience store owner made headlines when fought off two armed robbers... with bear spray and good old fashioned spanking: Thieves bear-sprayed, spanked by store owner.

Two masked men walked into Zhen Yang's convenience store, pulled out knives, and demanded cash from the register. Grabbing the first weapon in arm's reach, Yang let loose on the would-be thieves with a can of muthaeffin' bear spray.

When they tried to get away, Yang grabbed one of the robbers and started beating his ass, literally, with his fist. Then his wife got in on the action with her own special brand of vigilante justice, aka her right foot.

The robbery-gone-wrong was caught on video:

Sucka thieves better recognize before they come up in the store with their robbing ways. While police don't recommend getting into dangerous situations like this, Zhen Yang is not likely to face any charges for taking matters into his own hands: No charges for store owner who fought robbers.