

writing study for adult adoptees

Got this study passed along to me... Oh Myo Kim, a doctoral student in psychology at the University of Minnesota, is conducting a writing study for her dissertation on transracial adoption, and is specifically looking for Korean American adult adoptees (ages 21-50) to take part.

Watch this video for a brief explanation of the study. Unlike many studies that examine adoptees as children or adolescents, this study specifically wants to hear from adult adoptees. Here are some more details:
WHO: Korean American adopted adults (ages 21-50) living throughout the US and abroad. Participation is voluntary, confidential, and participants may withdraw at any time.

WHAT: A writing study for internationally adopted adults that serves to further understand the adopted Korean American community. This study consists of an initial survey (10-15 min), three 15 minute writing exercises to be completed over the course of three days, and two shorter follow-up surveys (10 minutes each) to be completed immediately after the final writing and one month later. After completion of this study, you will be eligible to win a number of randomly chosen prizes, including 36 Amazon gift cards ranging from $10-$100.

WHEN: Please complete this study as soon as possible!

WHY: To help understand and serve the needs of internationally adopted adults. I am a Korean American adoptee and PhD student in psychology at the University of Minnesota. This study is my dissertation.

HOW: Click on this link and follow the instructions! If you have any questions, please contact me, Oh Myo Kim, at berar005@umn.edu.
It looks like this will be more than just filling out an online survey -- it will involve multiple writing exercises. But it sounds like the research could be tremendously valuable. If you're a adult adoptee who fits the bill, or you know someone who is, get more information (and watch the video) here.