

the many deaths of al leong

I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into when I signed on as Executive Producer to help National Film Society make their web series Awesome Asian Bad Guys. Please help us reach our pledge goal.

One of the guys we've got involved with the project is none other than perennial 1980s villain Al Leong, who's got a loooong list of credits playing a lot of bad guys in movies like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon. See him highlighted in Patrick and Stephen's original video on Awesome Asian Bad Guys.

In honor of Al Leong and his illustrious career, here is a crazy, epic two-minute video montage compiling his many, many death scenes, every which way across nearly twenty movies and TV shows:

Dude has died a lot. To learn more about Awesome Asian Bad Guys, and to make a pledge to help National Film Society make this web series, visit the Kickstarter campaign page here.