

Are you the next Mr. Hyphen?

All right, people. It's that time again. Hyphen is looking for a few good men. Are you the next Mr. Hyphen?

It's the annual community celebration awesome Asian American men, going down April 27 at the Brava! Theater in San Francisco. If you're dedicated to community activism and social justice work, you (or maybe someone you know) might have what it takes to wear the crown of Mr. Hyphen 2013. But the deadline to apply is coming up fast, so get on this! Here are some more details:

If you're dedicated to community activism and social justice work, or want to change the world, you may have what it takes to be part of this fun-filled showcase of male-identified leaders in the Asian American community. Hyphen is looking for five contestants to demonstrate their talents and involvement in the Asian American community. The grand prize is $1,000 awarded to a non-profit of the winner's choice!


If you know someone who'd be a great candidate for Mr. Hyphen, nominate them on the application form!

Deadline for applications/nominations: March 15, 11:59 PST

If you have questions, please send an e-mail to MrHyphen2013(at)HyphenMagazine(dot)com

Event Details:

Date: April 27, 2013

Location: Brava! Theater, 2781 24th St, San Francisco

Doors open at 6 PM
For further information, head over to the Hyphen blog, or better yet, fill out the application.