

Hyphen PJ Soiree, September 13

Celebrating Issue 27: The Sex Issue

All right, Bay Area. Time to get sexy. Hyphen's 27th issue is all about sex, and there's an appropriately-themed party to celebrate. This Friday, September 13, head over to Fame in San Francisco wearing your best "grown-and-sexy" PJs. Take that in whatever way you want -- here's what else is going down that night:

Issue 27 Release Party: Hyphen PJ Soiree

Birds do it. Bees do it. Spend a special night with Hyphen in celebration of the new Hyphen Issue 27: The Sex Issue. Put on your best grown-and-sexy sleepwear for an evening of seduction.

- Take a photo with Fabio, our hot centerfold model from The Sex Issue
- Enjoy a raffle with sexy goodies, a game of mingle-bingo, a drag show, a costume contest with prizes, live music to get you in the mood, sexy cocktails, dancing, and more!

Sound enticing? Buy your tickets now: http://www.hyphenmagazine.com/event/2013/08/issue-27-release-party-hyphen-pj-soiree

Time & Date:
Friday, September 13 | 8:30pm - 1:30am

Fame l 435 Broadway St., San Francisco

$20 General Admission
$30 VIP (Includes special reception at 7:45pm with cocktails and appetizers)

Hosted By:
Terry Park
Ryan Takemiya

Largesse - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Largesse/133438053348419
Rice Rockettes - https://www.facebook.com/ricerockettes

SAMALA - https://www.facebook.com/iheart90s, http://18mr.org/
Tickets are $20, and you can purchase them here. You can preview the upcoming issue here.