

Angry Reader of the Week: Sahra Vang Nguyen

"I hope that everyone -- Asian-American or not -- can relate to the theme of doing what you love."

Photo credit: Benjamin To

Hey, folks! It's that time again. It's time to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Sahra Vang Nguyen.

Who are you?

First generation, Vietnamese American, daughter of refugees, multimedia artist, multifaceted human, multidimensional explorer, student of life.

What are you?

I'm a creative person who loves to challenge social norms and inspire others through writing, speaking, performing, producing content, making films, and living life free of external expectations.

Where are you?

Currently based in the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood of Bushwick, NY.

Where are you from?

Born and raised in Boston, MA, off the Forest Hills stop on the Orange Line. I went through the Boston Public Schools system form K1 to 12th grade, college at UCLA, then back to the Beast Coast.

What do you do?

I tell stories.

I've published several e-books of poetry, performed around the country, produced and filmed a documentary series called "Maker's Lane," write for sites like NBCNews.com and Huff Post, and opened a small Vietnamese American restaurant with three friends in Brooklyn called Lucy's Vietnamese Kitchen.

Currently, I'm producing a brand new docuseries for NBCNews.com about Asian-American entrepreneurs called Self-Starters. The series is the first string of content to launch the Video Channel for NBC Asian America. With Self-Starters, I wanted to showcase the diversity of the Asian-American community -- not just in ethnicity, gender, and generation, but also in industry and talent. Asian Americans are generally stereotyped as only being good with science and numbers -- which is great if that's your calling. Self-Starters will also showcase the innovation, leadership, and creativity of several Asian-American entrepreneurs who are carving their own path in fashion, alternative energy, technology, art, food, and social enterprise.

I hope that everyone -- Asian-American or not -- can relate to the theme of doing what you love.

What are you all about?

Living the life I want, being true to my ever-evolving self, and pursuing whatever excites me, fulfills me, challenges me, and grows me. Along the way, I try my best to help uplift others and do my part in making our world a better place with more compassion, love, and kindness.

What makes you angry?

When Trader Joe's changed the recipe to the black truffle mushroom flatbread -- why change a perfectly good product? When Prison Break became completely shitty after season two. When Game of Thrones drags out the storyline for the entire season. When clothing companies design women's wear to be more sleek and slender, and deprive us of awesome functionality like the pockets as seen in the Nike Tech Fleece sweatpants, for example. When "progressives" spew a crapload of egoism and condescending judgment under the guise of being "critical." When "conservatives" blast hateful speech for ratings and entertainment without understanding the deep violence their words incite, because their experience doesn't make them a target.

When people think they're better me. Because no one is better than me. And I am better than no one. Goals, success, desires are all relative to the uniqueness of each individual. Life is not linear. So focus less on what the next person has or is doing. Focus more on the path only you can walk and the things only you can offer to the world.

Connect with me:
My website: sahravang.com
Twitter/Snapchat/IG: @oneouncegold
Facebook: facebook.com/sahravang

A new episode of Self-Starters will be premiering every Tuesday throughout April. Self-Starters can be watched on NBC News' YouTube, NBCNews.com, NBC Asian America, and the NBC News App for mobile, Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire!