It's that time of year again! Halloween is upon us. What will you be wearing this year? We want to see your costumes! You're invited, dear readers, to send in photos of your awesome, tasteful and non-offensive Halloween costumes to be featured our annual reader-submitted gallery, which has become a really fun and immensely popular annual tradition. Photos of cute kids are especially welcome.
For instance: Laura's nephew as a porg, above.
Email your photos to angryasianman@angryasianman.com, or tag @angryasianman on social media. It helps to include the names of everyone in the photo, as well as a description of their costume(s). (By sending in your photo(s), it is assumed you are giving permission to have them published on this website and/or social media.) If your photo makes the cut, it will be featured in this year's annual multi-part gallery.
You won't win a prize or anything. Just a chance to be part of the fun. So suit up and send 'em in!