In the Dallas area, the father of a 3-year-old girl, who had initially declared his daughter missing, has admitted to forcing milk down his daughter's throat until she started choking and later died.
A father reported his 3-year-old missing. Then he told police he'd watched her die.
Wesley Mathews had previously claimed that his daughter Sherin, who was adopted from India, went missing on October 7 after he sent her alone into an alley as punishment for refusing to drink her milk.
But on Monday, he changed his story. After authorities had found the girl's body in a nearby culvert, Mathews provided investigators in Richardson, Texas with an "alternate statement of events."

Mathews "had been trying to get the 3 year old girl to drink her milk in the garage," according to the arrest warrant released by police. "Wesley Mathews said she wouldn't listen to him." At that point, he "physically assisted" Sherin in drinking her milk until she began to choke.
"She was coughing and her breathing slowed," the police report said. "Eventually, Wesley Mathews no longer felt a pulse on the child and believed she had died." He then removed his daughter's body from the home.
His wife was apparently asleep during the incident and has not been charged.
Mathews, who was initially arrested on child abandonment and endangerment charges when Sherin went missing, has been charged with injury to a child, a first-degree felony punishable by up to life in prison.
Needless to say, this is extremely upsetting.
More here: Texas dad admits disposing of child's body, affidavit says