

You could save this boy's life

7-year-old Ryan is in need of a bone marrow donor.

7-year-old Vietnamese American leukemia patient Ryan Jacoby is in desperate need of a bone marrow donor. He has beat leukemia before -- his brother was a match -- but unfortunately his cancer recently returned.

7-Year-Old Cancer Patient Seeks Compatible Bone Marrow Donor

You may know that it's often difficult to find bone marrow matches for patients of Asian descent, because Asian Americans are poorly represented in the bone marrow donor registry. Frankly, we're terrible at this.

What makes finding a match for Ryan particularly challenging is that he's of Vietnamese and Caucasian descent. Bone marrow matches on the registry are even lower for mixed race patients.

Are you signed up to be a bone marrow donor? You could literally save someone's life.

To sign up for Be The Match's national bone marrow registry, visit join.bethematch.org.match4ryan. For more information about Ryan's case, visit Facebook. Also visit Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches.