

So You Made the Sidewalk Racist

And Other Things to Know From Angry Asian America.

"Fuck Off Gooks"
This heartwarming message was spotted on the sidewalk at Eddy and Laguna in San Francisco.

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Japanese Americans speak out against Andrew Yang's Op-Ed
Japanese American leaders are criticizing former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang's call to Asian Americans to display patriotism during the coronavirus pandemic, saying it brings back painful memories of the rhetoric directed at Americans of Japanese ancestry who were incarcerated during World War II.

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"China Poisoned Our People"
A new campaign ad from Republican congressional candidate Kathaleen Wall, who is running for Texas' 22nd Congressional District, seizes the moment and goes heavy on the anti-China rhetoric. "China poisoned our people," a narrator says in the ad, which then lauds President Donald Trump for calling COVID-19 the "Chinese virus." You can probably expect to see a lot more of this shit pretty soon.

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Honk If You Won't Hate Crime Me
America! Comedian Jenny Yang shows America her American-ness.

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At long last! We get the new full-length album from singer/songwriter Jane Lui, who is now making music as Surrija. New name, new music, new sound. The album's crowdfunding backers have had the privilege of listening to it for months, and now the rest of world's ears get to partake in this fantastic new record. Hear it on SoundCloud, Spotify and the all the usual places you get music.