

lt. dan choi re-enlists in the army

Yesterday, former Army infantry officer Lt. Dan Choi, who has become one of the most visible and outspoken activists against the U.S. military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy, re-enlisted in the armed forces -- this time, as an out gay man: Lt. Dan Choi, You're In The Army Now!

This week, the military announced that it had instructed its recruiters to accept all applications, even from those "who admit they are gay or lesbian." So Tuesday afternoon, amid dozens of reporters, Lt. Dan Choi showed up at the U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Center in Times Square to re-enlist.

The twenty-nine year old had announced his intention to re-enlist, (technically, to be re-instated,) this afternoon, via Twitter. "I’m gonna try to enlist in the Marines today," he tweeted. That brought throngs of news media and bloggers (yours, truly, had received word as well,) to Times Square.

Military recruiters, busy with another young man enlisting, kept the former Lieutenant waiting at the door for fourteen minutes. Upon seeing Choi, one recruiter picked up the phone, and many of us assumed he was calling his superiors for direction on what to do, given the special circumstances. I confess, we were surprised they weren’t prepared.

Choi had intended to enlist in the Marines, but tweeted at about 5:00 PM, "In the recruiting station. Apparently I’m too old for the Marines! Just filled out the Army application."

Just before 6:00 PM, amid dozens of reporters, Choi pushed open the door - and had to push aside the media - and waved his enlistment papers in the air.
I can imagine the people at the recruiting office were freaking out a little when Choi showed up with a throng of media in tow. But he got what he wanted, sort of. Lt. Choi and other gay and lesbian service members will have to see how things ultimately shake down in the courts, but for now, it's a victory.