All right, Dance Crew fans. The final championship performances are said and done. Super Cr3w faced off against SoReal Cru last week for the title of America's Best Dance Crew, and your votes will determine the winner. Vote for your favorite crew here. The polls close on Thursday, August 21 at 9:00am ET, and the live finale airs on Thursday night. At this point, it looks to me like Super Cre3w had the stronger performances, but to be honest, I'd be completely happy if either crew won.
Meanwhile, super fans will be happy to learn that the show is hitting the road this fall for America's Best Dance Crew Live, featuring JabbaWockeeZ, BreakSk8 and others crews to be announced. I've seen Jabba perform live, and they kick ass. I could do without those fools on BreakSk8. Anyway, learn about tour here.