100 times a white actor played someone who wasn't white: Hollywood has moved on from blackface, but it remains terrible at casting people of color. Despite decades of protests over racially inappropriate casting and the recent complaints over the lack of diversity among the Oscar nominees, filmmakers continue to cast white actors as minority characters.
Working in Hollywood When You're Not White: Three Players Reveal All: Dear White People writer/director Justin Simien, veteran producer Stephanie Allain, and Master of None showrunner Alan Yang talk about being a person of color in Hollywood -- and why the word "minority" is "the worst word."
Essay: Why I Asked GOP Candidates About Promoting Tolerance: "I asked this question for the girls who have been harassed for wearing the hijab, for the members of the mosques and temples that have been defaced and targeted by arsonists, for the hardworking business owners who have been attacked for their beliefs." Lifestyle vlogger Nabela Noor on why she asked the GOP candidates about promoting tolerance.
The Brave Sikh Man Who Stood Up to Trump's Muslim Bashing: Arish Singh knew what he was in store for when he decided to attend a Trump rally in Iowa. But he's glad he did it -- and he'd do it again.
America's Quiet Crackdown On Indian Immigrants: The U.S. government has moved quietly and aggressively to prevent undocumented Indians from entering the United States, many of whom are Sikhs fleeing political repression or economic collapse at home.