
greg pak endorses barack obama

I recently heard from filmmaker/comic books scribe Greg Pak, a guy who I respect immensely as an artist, a thinker, and a generally cool guy. He's posted a few words on his site explaining why he's supporting Barack Obama for President: Why I'm voting for Barack Obama. Here's an excerpt:
In February 2008, Koream Magazine asked me for a statement about whom I supported for President. Here's what I submitted:

"Call me old fashioned, but I want a president who believes in the rule of law and Constitution of the United States. That means defending the Bill of Rights, restoring habeas corpus, rejecting the use of presidential signing statements as an unconstitutional line item veto, and repudiating torture, warrantless wiretaps, and wars of aggression. I give bonus points for rejecting anti-immigrant rhetoric and for confronting the challenges of poverty, global warming, the health care crisis, and the coming recession."

For all of the above reasons, I'm voting for Senator Barack Obama on November 4. But since I wrote those words, Senator Obama has further sealed the deal by...

... writing and delivering the most intelligent, honest, and moving speech about race in America that I've ever heard...

... running his campaign with a steady hand and inclusive vision that demonstrates a commitment to reaching out to Americans in every part of the country...

... winning all three Presidential debates by demonstrating a total command of the issues of the day and an abiding empathy for the struggles of the American people...

... presenting solutions for the financial crisis that include tax cuts for 95 percent of Americans and a common-sense health care plan that reaches out to those who desperately need help while leaving alone those whose current arrangements are already working...

... and dealing with outrageous and childish misrepresentations of his religion and political philosophy with good humor and measured firmness.

In short, Barack Obama has the temperament, strength, and vision to lead this diverse nation back towards prosperity while reaffirming our core values as embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
If you share our support for Obama and the future of this nation, please be sure to vote this Tuesday, November 4. And encourage all your friends and family to do the same. I've actually voted already. I sent my ballot in the mail yesterday. It felt good.

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