Okay, friends. It is time to meet another Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is inter-discliplinary artist (among many other things) Traci Kato-Kiriyama:
Who are you?
traci kato-kiriyama - inter-disciplinary artist, arts educator, community-connector, founder/grounder for TN KAT/Tuesday Night Project, Midtone Madeleine, avid experimenter, voracious dreamer, always-wanna-be-eating.. um.. eater.
What are you?
2 parts craving a run, 1 part craving a cigarette, all the way delirious as we are planning for THE PARTY, a big 'ol fundraiser this weekend as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of aforementioned Tuesday Night Project.
Where are you?
i love Gardena. i loved living in Eagle Rock and the short time i was in Chinatown, that was amazing, too. i'd never move back to the mall of Torrance - sorry, mom. i am back in the South Bay, yes, but in a smaller enclave that is nice, yummy, and close to freeways.
Where are you from?
People like eggs. People "love!" eggs. i know this to be true. People -human beings - go out.. just for.. eggs. Eggs are often the featured element of breakfast menus. Restauranteurs - human beings - create establishments and put "Eggs" in the name. WHAT IS THIS ABOUT? i have not heard or understood a sufficient explanation.
When i give thought to the apparently immense popularity for eggs in this country, society, world...THESE are the moments it hits me, somewhere in my core -> you human being are weird! - and that i am perhaps not from this dimension... not originally anyway.
What do you do?
i try to seek to draw out the best and the yet-undiscovered in strangers, others, myself. i have unrelenting hope in people and even assholes. Yes, assholes are people... this is what i try to remember. But i digress...
Since somewhere around 1996, much of my performance/artist life has been about writing, about poetry, about collaborating with all kinds of artists in theatre... doing shows in lots of places throughout the country, and on various tours with the amazing dudes of zero 3 (we still talk about getting back together, oh how Behind-The-Music). It's also about cultural work/community organizing work through collaboration in performance with folks who like to tell stories but don't quite call themselves "artists" or "writers." And i have to say, i'm particularly excited by certain projects like PULL, Edge Of The World, and anything Oymun's 11 and Jason Oymun Fong... The practice/study of both theatre and community organizing has informed the other in my life. Art... Struggle... Story moves people to learn and act and change their lives towards working for all beyond self.
What are you all about?
ah, a dangerous question. it is best not to think we can answer it, ever. and maybe because i am a sunny scorpio - i am totally open once we are sitting together talking one-on-one, yet i'd rather not try to encapsulate my entire self nor spell out what you might just find out as we get to know each other.
What makes you angry?
pheeeew. when people misread my focus on a positive light for a given situation or person and label it "diplomatic" or worse, "P.C." (i hate P.C.)... or when the most rude comment gets lauded as "honest" when it might just be fucking rude, ignorant, or unthoughtful. i fucking hate when people feel most comfortable being near people they think (assume) are "just like them." No one is just like anyone. i get angrrrry with assumption -> judgement. i hate feeling judged. i hate when i make bonehead moves like forgetting to get a VISA when going to China... that made me angry at me. The stupid-asses of the world running governments make me angry... going back on promises or playing it safe makes me angry. Many, many things make me angry. BUT i like anger, too. HA! i value anger because it leads me towards what i need to articulate better for myself... it leads me to my passions... it leads me ultimately to genuinely deep love. Ah, there, anger to love.